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Lübeck's Treasure Trove: The New St. Anne's Museum Quarter

> Religious faith:

The monastery buildings of 1515 form the authentic setting for the collection of medieval art. Both in terms of density and quality, such a unity of sacred space and sacred art is unique in Germany and it is therefore a prominent feature of the museum. Important parts of the exhibition have been redesigned.

> Middle-class society:

The permanent exhibition on Lübeck's cultural history since the late Middle Ages is presented in an entirely new structure. Here, the core of the collections from the museums in the city vividly conveys the uniqueness of Lübeck's history to today's visitors. The presentation provides an insight into the world cultural heritage in the Hanseatic City of Lübeck. All exhibits in the St. Anne's Museum have been donated, purchased, or collected by Lübeck citizens. All social classes are represented, from the common people and artisans to the powerful mayor. An audio guide takes the visitor on a tour of the exhibition on the upper floor and through the medieval collection, providing informative and entertaining facts about the exhibits, their history and usage, and the people connected to them.

> Modern and contemporary art: 

The Kunsthalle St. Anna presents positions and movements in 20th and 21st century art in temporary exhibitions. Drawing on its own art collection and in special exhibitions, the Kunsthalle inspects the relations between old and new, between tradition and the present in the museum quarter and displays them in new and intriguing ways.
Besides the three permanent exhibitions on sacred art of the Middle Ages, middle-class lifestyles, and modern art, the museum quarter will open on January 20 with new features added:

> Multimedia:

At the end of the tour on the first floor, the visitors can take an interactive multimedia trip to central areas and topics of the museum quarter through the new time tunnel. A time line reaching from the late Middle Ages into the present provides pictures, sound and texts, inviting the guests to experience selected topics from the collection. There are also computer terminals available for research on special topics. Last but not least, it is possible to view one of the outstanding exhibits of the medieval collection, the altar of the Passion by Hans Memling (donated by the Greverade family), using contemporary visualization technology. A wealth of details and interesting background information affords the visitor with completely new insights.

> Children's museum:

As yet unparalleled in Northern Germany, almost 200 square meters of St. Anne's Museum Quarter are dedicated to an exhibition specifically for children.  Not only the comprehensive and high-quality toy collection of the Lübecker Museen, but also the specific presentation of the museum quarter's central topics will inspire children's interest and curiosity. With the museum pedagogical facilities located so conveniently close, parents and children now have new opportunities of enjoying a relaxed visit at the museum.

History of the quarter: From monastery to museum

St. Anne's Priory was built in 1515 by the wealthy citizens of Lübeck. It was intended as an appropriate residence for their unmarried daughters. Only a few years after the monastery was built, the Reformation, supported in Lübeck by Johannes Bugenhagen (1485 to 1558), thwarted these plans. The building was then used for a secular purpose: In 1601, it became a poor house and orphanage and thus a central location for welfare services in the city. The next and, up to today, last conversion took place in 1915, four hundred years after the founding: The monastery became a museum. It became the place where the then independent city-state Lübeck presented the treasures it had collected since the Middle Ages: it became a place for art. With the support of the Lübeck Possehl Foundation, it was possible to build a modern art hall on the ruins of the former monastery church, which had burnt down in 1843. The Kunsthalle St. Anna was opened in 2003, once again making room for art after 1945.
In 2013 the areas for exhibiting, learning, and catering are joined and extended to form a new location for art, religion, and society: the new St. Anne's Museum Quarter.



Dienstag - Sonntag
10:00 - 17:00 Uhr

Tuesday - Sunday

10:00 - 17:00



Geöffnet: Karfreitag , Ostersonntag, Ostermontag, Tag der Arbeit, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingstmontag , Tag der Deutschen Einheit, Reformationstag , 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag 


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Museumsquartier St. Annen
St. Annen-Straße 15
23552 Lübeck

Phone + 49 451 122 41 37 (Kasse)